I have been a proud client of O'Connor Commercial
Refrigeration for well over a decade. During this time OCR (O'Connor Commercial Refrigeration) have been
responsible for the on-going maintenance of all refrigeration equipment,
emergency breakdown response as well as the sale and installation of new
equipment. The team at OCR (O'Connor Commercial Refrigeration) are friendly and often go well beyond what is
expected- especially in the case of an emergency breakdown, the team
find a way to prevent downtime, which is crucial in our business.
- Craig Nadin, General Manager, Raiders Gungahlin
Calvary Health Care ACT has had the good fortune of
holding a relationship with OCR (O'Connor Commercial Refrigeration) for a
number of years.
Throughout that time OCR (O'Connor Commercial Refrigeration) have provided the
hospital with a level of customer service that exceeded our
expectations. Their tradesmen are courteous and friendly,
highly skilled and understand the importance of the work they do
to allow us to meet our obligations to the community.
They are responsible for the maintenance of all of
Calvary's high-level refrigeration equipment and routinely demonstrate their high level
of commitment to this organisation through ensuring that equipment
required to allow us to meet the needs of our customers is maintained
to a high standard. I envisage our relationship to be a long
and successful one.
- Luke Douma, Facility Manager, Calvary Health Care ACT
I have known the OCR (O'Connor Commercial Refrigeration)
family professionally now for 10 years. I have used them on several
commercial projects from small to large hospitality fit-outs and on
every occasion I have not only found them to be extremely professional
and reliable, but also very personal and helpful.
They are known in
the community not only for their professional and friendly service,
but also for their long standing knowledge of the industry.
They are a respectable family business who I have recommended to many people in
the past and will not hesitate to recommend for many years to come.
- Bria Sydney, Director, Parlour Family
Baker Refrigeration utilise OCR (O'Connor Commercial Refrigeration) as the breakdown
service for our customers in the Canberra region. They perform the
necessary work professionally and are always happy to respond to
our customer's needs.
- Mitchell Jacobsen, Branch Manager, AJ BAKER & SONS PTY LTD
OCR (O'Connor Commercial Refrigeration) have catered for all
our refrigeration requirements for over 10 years at our three hotels.
They have never failed to provide prompt, efficient and courteous service.
Tim has also offered sound advice on many occasions in order to
achieve better long-term efficiency with our systems.
Based on our experience we would have no hesitation in recommending
OCR (O'Connor Commercial Refrigeration) to any future clients.
- The Dawn Family, Kingston Hotel,Civic Hotel